Standard Project Goes With Paptic®
Standard is delivering products on a day-to-day basis to its customers, the range goes from a simple T-shirt, a jumper, or shoes – to a bicycle, coffee, or vegan soap. Setting new standards for products that are used daily and with love – this is the mission statement of Standard-Project.
Responsible treatment of nature and its resources also comes naturally. That’s why they try to optimise processes in production and the supply chain and find sustainable, reusable packaging. But these must also match with the Standard Project’s aesthetic high standards.
This is how they became aware of Paptic, which, in addition to all environmental aspects, it is easily printable, tear-resistant, and also convincing in terms of haptics and appearance. And above all, this packaging is easy for the customer to reuse. For returns or simply because they want to send something else with it.
At the same time, it is free advertising for Standard Project, as they print their mission statement and logo on the packaging. The Feedback of customers had been more than positive and appreciated. Standard Project received spontaneous messages in which people were especially happy about the sustainable idea of the packaging.
Standard Project was able to strengthen its image and also set a new standard in sustainability. It is now also considering convincing retailers of this type of packaging in order to successively switch more and more to Paptic material in the packaging sector.